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The Playground Theatre is an access friendly venue and recognises the needs of accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities in our theatre.


The entire venue is on the ground floor with only a 3cm lip at the front door that is easily manageable for wheelchair access.

Our seating banks has always a ground floor level suitable to 3-4 wheelchairs. 


We provide an Access for All ticket deal which is issued with a complimentary ticket for a carer or companion. 


Working or companion dogs are welcomed in our theatre.


We also provide assisted performances throughout the year. 



Access and Inclusion

The Playground has a history of working on projects promoting improved well being. 


We have worked extensively at St Charles Mental Health Unit and with community partners who specialise in mental health support and diversity. We take access for all incredibly seriously and encourage any suggestions to improve access to our work. 


For information on relaxed performances please contact with the subject Relaxed Performances and the name of the show you wish to attend.


If you have any more questions, please call the box office on 020 8960 0110 or email at



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