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Paulina Krzeczkowska presents 

Woman In The Attic

Tue 12 NOV | 8.20 PM
Wed 13 NOV | 8.20 PM
Thurs 14 NOV | 7 PM

Devised and performed by Paulina Krzeczkowska

Director Krystian Godlewski | Dramaturg Simona Gonella | Lighting Designer Amée Smith

Countries Represented: Italy, Poland & UK

The piece, inspired by the romantic topos of the mad woman, explores gender and the place of femininity in the social and literary contexts. Influenced by the characters of Ophelia from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Antoinette from Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea and of Bertha from Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, it tells a story of a Polish woman, her experiences of female agency, and her desire for self-determination.

Woman in the Attic starts with a 'traditional' narrative structure, where the text frames the discourse, only to let it unravel into a visceral journey of self-discovery. Employing spoken word, singing, and choreographed physical actions, Krzeczkowska presents an unsettling and at times comical image of femininity.


Duration: 50 min

Interval: n/a

Content Warnings: Haze, sexual references, partial nudity & violence

Recommended for 16+

Tickets (All unreserved)

General Admission £14

Senior 60+ | Unemployed | Under 30 | Student | Access for All £10.50

Daily tickets for double bill

12 & 13 Nov | £22 

14 Nov | £24 

This event is part of a double bill running as part of the Voilà! Theatre Festival. Daily tickets are available to see all the shows on that day.

Access for All Note: Please contact for your complementary ticket for a career/companion/friend


'Greeted by a menacing red light and the shadowy figure of a pacing woman, we were forced into Paulina Krzeczkowska’s lonesome, Jane Eyre-inspired world before we’d even sat down. “How does it taste to be so boundary-less?” She laughs, but the pain is tangible, simmering underneath the surface as a mirror reflects her demise from innocent child to panic-ridden wife hiding from her abusive husband and reduced to the pleasure of men. Krzeczkowska makes such an atmospheric, soul-baring, spoken-word piece seem easy and her words evidently resonated with her enraptured audience.' - Beatrice Thomas


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